Sunday 9 June 2013

Most Effective Exercise To Do At Your Desk - What Do You Think?

The average office worker spends 7 or 8 hours a day sitting at their desk, and at least another hour sitting in their car commuting.  After work, people have other responsibilities like cooking dinner, cleaning the house, or taking care of the kids.  With limited time for exercise, we should be taking advantage of that 8 hour period and exercise at your desk!

A couple years ago released an article naming some of the best and most popular desk exercises.  I find this to be a fantastic article as it lists come overall tips for posture and health, such as ensuring your chair and computer monitor are at appropriate heights.

The article goes on to name some popular desk exercises like The Wooden Leg, where you sit at your chair and hold up one leg at a time as high as you can.  The Feet-Up Hamstring Stretch consists of putting one foot up on your desk and stretching your arm out to touch the foot on your desk. You can also stand with your back to your desk, hand on your desk, and lower your body to work your triceps.

Figure 3. Desk Tricep [Photograph] by Standing Fit, 2013 Adapted from 

Check out this article, try some of the exercises and let us know which ones work best for you!

Did find these exercises helpful?  What are your favorite desk exercises?

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