Friday 14 June 2013

Healthy Tips for YOU at Work

Finding ways to stay active are very important, especially when we are sitting at a desk for part of the day. There are tips that take that little extra time to complete, but will make you feel great as though you did some physical activity throughout the day.

Healthy tips at work can range between eating healthy to tips for relieving stress at work, by going above and beyond in finding ways to stay healthy. Some of the tips may be time consuming, but make you feel as though you accomplished something at the end of the day.

Tip 1:  Take the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Stair climbing works the muscles and burn calories, rather than just standing. You can add changes in your life style that help you stay fit and healthy, as taking the stairs is only one option.

Tip 2: On break instead of staying at your desk or going to the lounge and sitting there, go take a walk outside around the building, or a park close by. This is a great option because it is not good for you if you go a whole day sitting down, without participating in any physical activity.

Figure 6:  Prestasure. [Photograph] by, 2011,
Adapted from

  What are some healthy tips at work that you can recommend that can help you stay healthy and active?

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