Wednesday 5 June 2013

In Office Workouts

Finding the time to exercise while hard at work is a struggle. Most people say they don’t have the time, or rather use their free time working so they can leave earlier.

The workout I feel is most effective for me is the office ab workouts, which can be done by simply sitting on an exercise ball. Here are four parts of the body that I focus on everyday while completing my in office workouts.

What are your favourite and most useful in office workouts? Here are a few that have worked for myself and can work for you!
Figure 3:  Glut Holds. [Photograph] by Standing Fit, 2013, Adapted from 

·       Start with feet flat on floor
·       Sit tall at your desk
·       Hold your abdominal muscles tight
·       Extend one leg until it is level with your hip
·       Hold for ten seconds
·       Slowly lower leg
·       Repeat 15 times
·       Change legs

·       Lift one glute up and almost off the chair
·       Perform in a side-to-side rocking motion for 30 seconds
·       Next, squeeze your gluteus muscles
·       Hold for ten seconds
·       Release

·       Sit tall with abs pulled in
·       Hold water bottle in right hand and curl it up towards your shoulder
·       Repeat 15 times
·       Change arms

·       Sit on the ball and find your balance
·       Pull your navel in
·       Pull you shoulders back (no slouching)
·       Place feet hip width apart

What other exercises do you suggest while in the office?

Finding yourself stressed from the challenges of balancing work, family and your own health? Check out these
Stress Tips at Work 

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