Tuesday 18 June 2013

Exercising At Your Desk

There are many desk exercises to choose from, it’s up to you to choose which methods would work with your busy schedule and limitation of space. I try to stay active and healthy at work, as desk exercises I feel are the best way because it requires you to set up or go to a remote place. Instead you can simply preform these exercises by using an exercise ball for desk chair.

What are your favorite exercises to do at work, while staying at your desk? Here are some that I enjoy:

Figure 7 Desk Push-Ups. [Photograph] by Standing Fit, 2013,


       Seat Squat: this exercise is simply done by your rear facing the chair, feet hip width apart, hold your arms straight ahead of you and slowly bend your knees as you are about to sit in the chair  (works legs and gluts)

 Desk Pushup: this is done by facing your desk, hands should be width apart, keep legs and back in a straight line and do pushups against desk (works arms and shoulders)

Chair Dip: this is done by sitting at your desk and placing hands on the armrests, lift your feet a few inches from the ground and use your stomach muscles to raise your body above the chair (works arms and core)

     What is your favourite exercise to do at your desk?

Monday 17 June 2013

In Office Workouts - A Healthy Day in the Office

Reading tips and tricks for staying healthy at work is one thing, but how about living it? Let’s go through an average day in the office, to show you how easy it is to get into a healthy routine.

Arrival: If it’s a nice day, I park a bit farther from the doors to start off my day with a little walk.
Next, I take the stairs, not the elevator.  If your office if on a high floor,  try getting off the elevator a couple floors early and walk up a couple flights.

At the desk: Pick one exercise to do in the mornings, and another for the afternoon. My favorite way to exercise at the desk is to do leg lifts in the morning, which tighten up your core and arm lifts in the afternoon.  I bring lots of healthy snacks to eat at work like fruit, veggies or a healthy trail mix.

Figure 7. How to Eat Healthier at the Office [Photograph] Julien Lee, 2013, 

Lunch/Breaks: Take all the breaks you’re given! I get up every chance I get to stretch and take a stroll around the building.  On nice days, go for a walk outdoors on your lunch break.  Thinking of new healthy meals to take to work can be hard, so make sure you devote some time to planning your healthy meals, so you don’t fall back on bad habits!

Do you have a healthy office routine? We’d love to hear about it!