Friday 31 May 2013

Health Tips at Work - How I Relieve Stress at Work

Work is often the number one source of stress in a person’s life.  We all know that stress is bad for our physical and psychological health, but most people don’t know how to deal with their stress properly.

A couple years ago I began a new job, and had to deal with a stressful environment that I’d never experienced before. Finding stress tips at work was incredibly helpful for me, and I found myself not only performing better at work, but being in a better mood and having more energy.

One of the most helpful tips for relieving stress at work that I discovered was to go for a walk.  If it’s nice out, walk around the building, or even just walk around the halls of your office.  Anything that will help you clear your mind for a few minutes.

Figure 2. Stressed at Work [Photograph] by Gai Comans, 2012, 
Adapted from

Other helpful tips for relieving stress at work include getting enough sleep, limiting your caffeine intake, and eating right! It’s amazing how much better you’ll feel simply by replacing that lunchtime burger and fries with something like a chicken salad. 

Looking for more healthy meal ideas? Check out our post on Healthy Meals to Bring to Work

Do you use any of these tips to relieve stress in your work life? What are your best stress relieving techniques?


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