Friday 31 May 2013

Top 10 Healthy Snacks to Eat at Work to Help You Avoid Junk Food

Do you find yourself eating a lot of junk food at work? The lack of healthy vending machines at work certainly doesn’t help, because when hunger strikes it is hard to find healthy alternative.

I find being prepared with healthy snacks to eat at work is the best option; here are my Top 10 Healthy Work Snacks:
Figure 1. Lunch 23 July 8 [Photograph] by Lee-Anne Collins, 2008, 
Adapted from

1) Celery – The benefits of celery are tremendous! Not only do you burn more calories than you consumer, but when you’re craving a crunchy snack it is the perfect alternative to a fatty bag of chips

2) Greek Yogurt – Full of calcium and probiotics, yogurt is filling and delicious. You can even try out a new flavour each day so you don’t get bored

3) Carrots – Again you have the crunch factor craved from foods like chips and cookies. Carrots are also good for your skin, your vision and can be eaten with a variety of low fat dips

4) Popcorn – Hold the butter though, if you want to keep this snack healthy!

5) Trail mix – Be careful though, some trail mixes are full of sodium and empty calories

6)Watermelon – This juicy fruit will energize you with its natural sugars

7) Granola – You can find granola in a variety of forms, the most popular being granola bars

8) Hummus – Full of protein! 

9) Apples & Peanut Butter – One of my favourite snacks! You get the benefits of fruits as well as the protein of the peanut butter

10) Edamame – These soybeans are full of protein and can be eaten hot or cold.

What are your favourite healthy work snacks?

Here are more options to bring to work, check out our other article! More Healthy Meal Idea's

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